Why Does the State of Vermont Want to Cut Down This Maple?

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It was revealed to the Weathersfield select board on Monday night that the State of Vermont wants to hold a public meeting to inform the Town of Weathersfield of State's decision to cut down a large maple tree near the Park and Ride at Exit 8 in Ascutney.  The meeting is tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m. at the Ascutney Fire Station on Tuesday, October 29.
This maple tree is located on the former Romaine Tenney property. (See my related story about Romaine Tenney and Ben Fuller's new song "Spark" https://herecast.us/984175)
Some people in town have expressed concern about this decision to cut down the tree. If you have an opinion you should plan to attend the meeting next Tuesday night.
Chief Spaudling remembers Romaine Tenney  
Nancy Nutile-McMenemy is an Upper Valley freelance photographer and writer who loves to attend concerts and local events in and around Weathersfield and the Upper Valley.  If you have an event you'd like listed please email it to: photosbynanci@comcast.com

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