Weathersfield News May 25 #WeathersfieldVT #VT

Weathersfield News May 23, 2016 Nancy Nutile-McMenemy As Memorial Day approaches I hope we all remember why we have a day off. While most people get ready for the first weekend of summer with BBQs, garden planting, and a freedom from work day, some folks gather to remember all the service people who fought bravely for our country during many wars. During your long weekend, stop for a few minutes and reflect on the real reason why we have this day set aside and what the real price of freedom is. Last Wednesday, I was in the audience of "Good News From Around The World" a play written and performed by the folks at Zack's Place in Woodstock. More images: Saw a great Boston Red Sox game on Sunday May 22. They beat the Cleveland Indians after what could be one of the best games I've ever witnessed. Big Papi, David Ortiz almost hit for the ...