Weathersfield News May 28 #WeathersfieldVT #VT
Weathersfield News May 28, 2015 Nancy Nutile-McMenemy News You Can Use Select Board - The Select Board met Monday May 18. Treasurer Steve Hier explained the bank note needed to purchase a truck and snow plow. The Board voted to take out a bank note in the amount of $115,000 from Peoples United Bank for the purchase of a truck/snowplow. The Board tabled taking out a bank note 1879 Perkinsville School project until the Aug. 3 meeting. The Board discussed Town Manager Search Process including the manager’s job description, VLCT’s search services, and composition of the search committee. They agreed to continue the discussion when all of the Board members could be present, and to set a timetable for the search at the next meeting. The Board reviewed the current Animal Control Ordinance. They agreed that communication between the police department and the animal control office could be improved. However, the consensus was that as long as the or