Weathersfield Selectboard Chair Investigates Former Chair's Conduct
In a Special Meeting called on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 current selectboard chair Dave Fuller addressed the Letter of Complaint filed on January 6, 2020 by Ascutney Volunteer Fire Association (AVFA) Chief Darrin Spaulding alleging misconduct by former selectboard chair Kelly Murphy. Following an executive session held on January 16, 2020 board chair Fuller acknowledged the board had received a letter of complaint directed at former board chair Kelly Murphy and would begin investigating the allegations. The complaint alleged that in her duties as chair of the selectboard Murphy directed town employees not to speak with the (AVFA) Chief Darrin Spaulding. Murphy resigned her position as chair at the January 13, 2020 select board meeting and vice chair Dave Fuller assumed the chair position. At the Special Meeting held on January 28, 2020. the select board came out of another executive session and c hair Fuller announced in open session that the records produced in this