Select Board to Discuss Article 9 at Town Meeting Saturday March 2 First on the Agenda
At last night's Special Meeting, the select board announced that at town meeting on Saturday, March 2 (at the Weathersfield School in Ascutney) at 12:30 p.m. the boards plans to discuss Article 9 first, rather than wait until later in the meeting. Article 9: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $265,070 for the support and operation of a new municipal fire department? $245,070 shall be raised by property taxation, allowing the Select Board to set the appropriate tax rate. Article 9 was placed on the town meeting ballot after a petition was circulated around town when some citizens were concerned about the funding for the new municipal fire department. At the November 5, 2019 select board meeting, the select board voted unanimously in a roll call vote to exercised its statutory authority pursuant to 24 VSA §1951 to create a municipal fire department. Last night's special meeting was the final meeting discussing the move to a new