Weathersfield Weekly Blog, December 26 edition
Ascutney Mountain on the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2022 A view from Cornish, NH News You Can Use ICYMI (In case You Missed It) Town News Transfer Station Holiday Hours The Transfer Station will be closed on Sunday, January 1st per policy. Otherwise, the station will open during its regular hours. Regular hours (when there’s not a holiday): Wednesday: 12pm – 5pm Saturday: 7am – 4pm Sunday: 12pm – 4pm Elected Positions Open on Town Meeting Day, March 7, 2023 TOWN MODERATOR/TOWN-1 YEAR SELECT PERSON-3 YEAR SELECT PERSON-2 YEAR LISTER-3 YEAR LISTER-3 YEAR TRUSTEE OF PUBLIC FUNDS-3 YEAR CEMETERY COMMISSIONER-5 YEAR LIBRARY TRUSTEE-3 YEAR SCHOOL MODERATOR/SCHOOL-1 YEAR SCHOOL DIRECTOR-3 YEAR SCHOOL DIRECTOR-1 YEAR SCHOOL DIRECTOR-1 YEAR Petitions and Consent of Candidate forms available through the Town Clerk's office 802-674-9500 Website Absentee Ballots Please call the Town Clerk's office to request an Absentee Ballot to be sent to you. The Town Clerk will not be se