
Showing posts from January, 2018

Weathersfield Weekly Blog, January 31, 2018

January 31, 2018 Weathersfield, Vermont I hope you had a chance to try to see our Super Blue Blood Moon on Wednesday morning. Super because it's BIG and close to the Earth, Blue because it's the second full moon this month, and Blood because there will be a lunar eclipse.  Well, if that's not enough to get you excited how about this coming weekend for New England sports fans. The NE Patriots return to the Super Bowl on Sunday night and the Boston Red Sox equipment truck leaves Fenway for Florida on Monday. Pitchers and catchers will be there in two weeks and that means Spring Training. There is an end to this winter! New You Can Use Weathersfield select board news: A 70 page FY2017 audit report has been posted to the town's website. The audit was conducted by Sullivan, Powers and Co., P.C. from Montpelier. The auditors found several deficiencies in the current accounting practices. You can read the report from the link on the website

Weathersfield Weekly Blog, January 24,2018

January 24, 2018 Weathersfield, Vermont Another football season is coming to a close-how can this be? Congratulations to the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles. They will meet on Sunday, Feb. 4 in Minnesota at US Bank Stadium for Super Bowl 52 ( LII.)   The game starts at 6:30 p.m. ET on NBC with Al Michaels doing the play-by-play while Cris Collinsworth is the analyst. Michele Tafoya and Heather Cox are the sideline reporters. The New England Patriots beat the Atlanta Falcons last year in Houston in overtime 34-28 in what some say was the best ever Super Bowl televised. I was hiking in the Australian jungle during the game but followed it on my phone and through emails and texts from friends back in the States. I don't plan to miss this one. News You Can Use Weathersfield select board news :  The select board met on Monday, Jan. 15 to approve the town's FY2019 budget and sign the warning for the annual town meeting to be held on Satu

Weathersfield Weekly Blog, January 17, 2018

January 17, 2018 Weathersfield, Vermont Last week's weather had some of us holding our breaths. The warm temperatures and rain on Friday caused many ice jams to form in our area. The Cornish/Windsor covered bridge closed on Saturday due to Route 12A flooding on the New Hampshire side; Price Chopper in Windsor closed early on Saturday due to flooding. And we almost lost our driveway due to a clogged culvert. Quick response by the husband diverted the waters and the driveway survived. This week looks a little more like normal temperatures with some light snow predicted, which is welcomed because we lost a lot of snow on Friday. Weathersfield select board news: The select board was scheduled to meet Monday, Jan. 15 to finalize the town's FY2019 budget. More on this meeting next week. More information about the select board and the town contact Town Manager, Ed Morris, at 802-674-2626 or Weathersfield School news: The s

Weathersfield Library Trustees Approve Double Digit Increases for Library Director and Overall FY2019 Budget

January 15, 2018 Weathersfield, Vermont On Sunday, Jan. 14 at a Special Budget Meeting, the Weathersfield Proctor Library Board of Trustees approved double digit increases for the Library Director wages and the overall FY2019 operating budget. In a three to one vote (the Chair only votes to break a tie or for a quorum) the Library Director wage line item was increased from $34,207 for FY2018 to $45,478 for FY2019, an increase of 32.9%. This wage increase was first presented to the board at a Dec. 3, 2017 meeting with the town manager, Ed Morris. The town manager and Chair of the Trustees Rick Bates met earlier and arrived at the $45,478 by comparing other library director wages around the state of Vermont for towns of similar size to Weathersfield. There was little or no discussion of the increase at the Dec. 3 or Dec. 21 (regular trustee monthly meeting) meetings and no negotiations took place between the Library Director and the Board of Trustees. Votes to finalize the budg

WFLD Select Board meets Tonight-More Budget Discussion

January 15, 2018 Weathersfield, Vermont The Weathersfield Select Board is scheduled to meet this evening at 7 p.m. at Martin Memorial Hall (in the basement.) The meeting agenda is posted online.  Select Board Agenda . Agenda Includes The board will be interviewing various social services agencies to determine if funding by taxpayers should continue. There will be continued discussion about the town's fire coverage. And the board is still looking to fill about 17 volunteer positions for various local and regional committees and commissions. Four Budget Committee positions remain open. Volunteers interested in serving on the Budget Committee are encouraged to attend tonight's meeting. Budget discussion and approval of the annual town meeting warning will round out the evening. Select Board Meeting Packet The select board packet for the evening may be viewed online. PACKET Budget Discussion The proposed FY2019 budget documents may be viewed online: F

Weathersfield Weekly Blog, January 10

January 10, 2018 Weathersfield, Vermont Well, we're almost two weeks into 2018 and I'm ready for summer. The seed catalogs are rolling in and it doesn't help with my distaste for this winter's frigid temperatures. I was doing just fine until the arctic blast started and continues-with what seems no end in sight. So here I am sitting in front of a blazing wood stove fire planning my garden. If I look hard enough, I can almost feel like I'm in the catalog photos and not seeing snow and wind blowing through the trees and thermometers reading below zero. Waiting on warmer temperatures. Looks like we may get some warmer temps. with rain on Friday. But back to the cold weather on the weekend. So don't put those, hats, gloves scarves and earmuffs away just yet! Backyard visitor Weathersfield select board news: The town budget continues to be discussed. The select board met on Jan. 3 and were scheduled to meet with the school board for a j

Taxpayer Funded Christmas Party for Weathersfield Town Employees-Details Revealed

Weathersfield, Vermont January 9, 2018 Nancy Nutile-McMenemy Details of the $1512 Christmas party and dinner at the Inn at Weathersfield, hosted by the town manager, for town employees and their spouses (or partners) were revealed at the select board budget meeting held on Jan. 3. (see Select Board Meeting Minutes 01/03/2018 Draft online) In these minutes, select board member Daniel Boyer defended the expenditure saying "it bothered him to think that taxpayers would begrudge recognizing the highway crew for not being with their families on Christmas Eve and Day because of having to be out plowing the roads." The employee Christmas party was held on Friday, Dec. 14. The town manager said he "sees this (the Christmas party) as a good team-building and morale-lifting event. He is trying to restore the employees' morale and mitigate their sense of not being appreciated." Select Board Chair Kelly Murphy said "she saw it (the $1512 expenditure) as money wel

Weathersfield Weekly Blog, January 3

January 3, 2017 Weathersfield, Vermont Christmas came early for the Weathersfield town employees. Town manager Ed Morris hosted a Christmas Party at the Inn at Weathersfield for employees and their spouses or partners on Dec. 14. The Weathersfield taxpayers picked up the $1512 check. More details next week. Happy New Year and with it town budget time. If you don't want serious sticker shock on town meeting day in March, I suggest you start attending/watching the select board and the school board meetings through the month of January (or reading their meeting minutes online.) The select board met Jan.3 and is scheduled to have a joint meeting with the school, at the school,  on Jan. 8 at 7 p.m.. The town budget should be finalized on Jan. 15. Weathersfield select board news : At the select board meeting on Dec. 18 (meeting info: CLICK HERE ) Nathan Stearns was approved to replace retiring town attorney Chris Callahan effective immediately.

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