Weathersfield Weekly Blog, January 30

News You Can Use Weathersfield select board and town news : At the Jan.21 select board meeting, the petition to move funding for the new municipal fire department for FY2019-2020 out of the town’s General Fund and into a separate article on the March Town Meeting Warning was accepted by the board. Prior to the vote, town attorney Nate Stearns told the board that there was no requirement to place the petition/article on the warning. Select board member Peter Cole was concerned with the wording saying that he thought it was misleading in that the voters may interpret the separate article as “a quarter of a million (dollars) of new money and it’s not, there is new money involved there but it’s not $240,000 of new tax money.” Select board member Tom Leach was opposed to the petition’s presentation to the voters and the wording citing what he felt was false information being disseminated through social media. “This petition was put out there, unfortunately fueled by misinformation ...