Weathersfield News January 27 #WeathersfieldVT #VT
Weathersfield News January 27, 2016 Nancy Nutile-McMenemy In just about one month, Weathersfield voters will meet at the Weathersfield School in Ascutney on Saturday, Feb. 27 for Town Meeting. Town voters used to meet Monday night before voting by Australian Ballot on the following Tuesday morning (the first Tuesday in March.) Voters will now gather Saturday morning at 10 a.m. for the School District Meeting, break for lunch, then reconvene for the Town Meeting at noon. On Tuesday, Mar. 1 10 a.m., the polls will open at Martin Memorial Hall, voting by ballot will close at 7 p.m. the evening. Weathersfield's newly hired Town Manager, Ed Morris, 41, of Twin Falls , Idaho will be at that Saturday meeting and begin his job on Tuesday Mar. 1. So mark your calendars and come take part in this uniquely Vermont form of Democracy. For fun Ascutney Sunrise and Sunset A weekend filled with music! Della Mae at Billsville, Manchester Vt