
Showing posts from February, 2024

Weathersfield Weekly Blog Special Edition, February 27--School Vote Delayed, Fuller Runs for Moderator as Write-in

Weathersfield School Board Vote to Postpone the School Budget, Articles and Candidates Voting and Informational Meeting on Saturday On Monday, the school board met in a special meeting and voted to postpone ALL Weathersfield School district voting as well as the informational meeting, previously scheduled for 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 2nd. The school board received permission from the Vermont Secretary of State's office to postpone the voting on the school budget and articles in the School Warning. They also received permission to extend the terms of the seated school directors until the next school district vote. Act 127 In 2022, Vermont leaders crafted a piece of legislation that aims to reshape the state’s educational system, particularly in rural areas. Act 127 redefines pupil weights. Stated simply, the law is meant to direct education money toward schools and students who need it most. Act 127 recognizes that certain groups of students need more educational resources. These

Weathersfield Weekly Blog February 25 Town Meeting Preview

Is this the last of our snow? Temps could reach 60 on Wednesday Mark Your Calendars Weathersfield School Board SPECIAL MEETING, Monday, February 26 Agenda Date: Monday, February 26, 2024 @ 12:00 noon Place: Google Meet (Virtual Only) Google Meet By Phone: (US) +1 484-424-4784 PIN: 195-154-094# I. Call to Order (Introductions if Needed II. Changes/Additions to the Agenda III. Items for Discussion Followed by Motions (if needed) a) Vote to rescind the FY25 budget and postpone the FY25 budget information meeting originally set for Saturday, March 2, 2024. (See article below from Annemarie Redmond IV. Executive Session (1 V.S.A. § 313) - If needed V. Adjournment Town Meeting 2024 Citizen's Guide to Town Meeting Annual School Meeting-Saturday, March 2, 10 a.m. Weathersfield School  (maybe, maybe not, see below) Annual Town Meeting-Saturday, March 2 12:30 p.m. at Weathersfield School  Australian Ballot Voting-Tuesday, March 5 Martin Memorial Hall 8 a

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