State Arborist Report on Romaine Tenney Maple Tree

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The Vermont State Arborist's report has been uploaded to the VTrans website.
"Signs of Decay and Failure"
The tree was evaluated in March 2019 and the report sent to the arborist on Sept. 16, 2019.
The Weathersfield select board heard about the tree removal at their Oct. 21  2019 meeting.
Scott Hance, ISA Certified Arborist #NE-7101A Arborist, with EIV Technical Services wrote: "This tree is at the end of a long life and due to the location should be removed. I recommend that the surrounding parking spots under the tree be blocked off from use to reduce risk to patrons of the Ascutney (sic) park and ride, and to prevent damage to personal property."
His report shows a few photos taken in March of the tree at that time. 
If anyone has received word of the actual removal date, please forward it to me in the comment space below.
Related articles: Maple Tree Meeting  Why Does the State of Vermont Want to Cut Down This Maple?  Ben Fuller's song "Spark" and Tenney fire background.
Nancy Nutile-McMenemy is an Upper Valley freelance photographer and writer who loves to attend concerts and local events in and around Weathersfield and the Upper Valley.  If you have an event you'd like listed please email it to:

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