Weathersfield School and Town Budgets Pass
On Tuesday, 508 voters in the town of Weathersfield, Vt made their voices heard by voting Australian Ballot at the town's annual Town Meeting. Both the school and town budgets passed. Articles receiving the most support votes were $5,000 Fire Equipment and Gear Reserve Fund YES 304/NO 191 and $750 to Vermont Association for Blind and Visually Impaired YES 355/NO 136.
Now that you've voted, if you'd like to help out in town there are a number of volunteer positions open from Budget Committee (5 openings), Fire Commission (2 openings), Planning Commission (2 openings), to Zoning Board of Adjustment (5 openings) and many more.
According to the town website an email or letter should be submitted to the Town Manager by March 12. Appointments begin at the March 19 Select Board Meeting and will remain open until filled. A full list of the openings and description of the potions can be found on page 59 of your Town Report.
The select board is schedule to meet March 8 to re-organize and make their board appointments to the Fire Commission and Highway Committee. They will also be reviewing their "Policy for Conduct of Meetings and Hearings", their "Ethics Policy" and their "Conflict of Interest Policy." These policies may be reviewed: HERE
Here's how our town voted yesterday:
Blanks 7
Spoiled 1
YES 284
NO 216
Total 508
Spoiled 1
C. Peter Cole 456
Write-ins 7
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Sean Whalen 446
Write-ins 4
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Jacquelyn Antonivich 438
Write-ins 4
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Robin Tindall 42
Total 508
Blanks 4
Spoiled 1
YES 285
NO 218
Total 508
Blanks 4
Spoiled 1
YES 312
NO 191
Total 508
Blanks 2
Spoiled 1
YES 385
NO 120
Total 508
Blanks 3
Spoiled 1
YES 253
NO 251
Total 508
Blanks 9
Spoiled 1
YES 267
NO 231
Total 508
Blanks 12
Spoiled 1
YES 304
NO 191
Total 508
Blanks 5
Spoiled 1
YES 246
NO 256
Total 508
Blanks 10
Spoiled 1
YES 252
NO 245
Total 508
Blanks 5
Spoiled 1
YES 301
NO 201
Total 508
Blanks 15
Spoiled 1
YES 270
NO 222
Total 508
Blanks 16
Spoiled 1
YES 355
NO 136
Total 508
Spoiled 1
C. Peter Cole 458
Write-ins 7
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Flo-Ann Dango 476
Write-ins 8
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Steven A. Hier 463
Write-ins 5
Total 508
Spoiled 1
John Arrison 401
Write-ins 31
Total 508
Spoiled 1
C. Peter Cole 394
Write-ins 27
Total 508
Spoiled 1
C. Peter Cole 395
Write-ins 22
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Lynn Esty 423
Write-ins 9
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Steven A. Hier 442
Write-ins 4
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Flo-Ann Dango 468
Write-ins 6
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Carolyn A. Hier 448
Write-ins 4
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Robert G. Holtorf 457
Write-ins 4
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Anne Parent 435
Write-ins 4
Total 508
Spoiled 1
Ulrike Henderson 427
Write-ins 4
Total 508
Now that you've voted, if you'd like to help out in town there are a number of volunteer positions open from Budget Committee (5 openings), Fire Commission (2 openings), Planning Commission (2 openings), to Zoning Board of Adjustment (5 openings) and many more.
According to the town website an email or letter should be submitted to the Town Manager by March 12. Appointments begin at the March 19 Select Board Meeting and will remain open until filled. A full list of the openings and description of the potions can be found on page 59 of your Town Report.
The select board is schedule to meet March 8 to re-organize and make their board appointments to the Fire Commission and Highway Committee. They will also be reviewing their "Policy for Conduct of Meetings and Hearings", their "Ethics Policy" and their "Conflict of Interest Policy." These policies may be reviewed: HERE
Here's how our town voted yesterday:
School Budget-Article 4
Article 4: $5,630,601, which is the amount the school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year. It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $15,750.00 per equalized pupil.Blanks 7
Spoiled 1
YES 284
NO 216
Total 508
School Moderator
Blanks 45Spoiled 1
C. Peter Cole 456
Write-ins 7
Total 508
School Director, 3 years
Blanks 57Spoiled 1
Sean Whalen 446
Write-ins 4
Total 508
School Director, 1 year
Blanks 65Spoiled 1
Jacquelyn Antonivich 438
Write-ins 4
Total 508
School Director, 1 year
Blanks 440Spoiled 1
Robin Tindall 42
Total 508
Town Articles and Officers
Article 5
Town's General Fund Budget $1,485,018; $1,057,805 to be raised by taxes.Blanks 4
Spoiled 1
YES 285
NO 218
Total 508
Article 6
Town Highway's Fund $1,111,653; $922,053 to be raised by taxesBlanks 4
Spoiled 1
YES 312
NO 191
Total 508
Article 7
Town's Solid Waste Facility Management $270,935Blanks 2
Spoiled 1
YES 385
NO 120
Total 508
Article 8
$50,000 into Highway Maintenance Reserve FundBlanks 3
Spoiled 1
YES 253
NO 251
Total 508
Article 9
$20,000 Fire Equipment Motorized Reserve FundBlanks 9
Spoiled 1
YES 267
NO 231
Total 508
Article 10
$5,000 Fire Equipment and Gear Reserve FundBlanks 12
Spoiled 1
YES 304
NO 191
Total 508
Article 11
$7,500 Police Cruiser Reserve FundBlanks 5
Spoiled 1
YES 246
NO 256
Total 508
Article 12
$2,683 to HCRSBlanks 10
Spoiled 1
YES 252
NO 245
Total 508
Article 13
$1,200 to SEVCABlanks 5
Spoiled 1
YES 301
NO 201
Total 508
Article 14
$500 to WISEBlanks 15
Spoiled 1
YES 270
NO 222
Total 508
Article 15
$750 to Vermont Association for Blind and Visually ImpairedBlanks 16
Spoiled 1
YES 355
NO 136
Total 508
Town Moderator
Blanks 42Spoiled 1
C. Peter Cole 458
Write-ins 7
Total 508
Town Clerk
Blanks 23Spoiled 1
Flo-Ann Dango 476
Write-ins 8
Total 508
Town Treasurer
Blanks 39Spoiled 1
Steven A. Hier 463
Write-ins 5
Total 508
Select Board, Three Year
Blanks 75Spoiled 1
John Arrison 401
Write-ins 31
Total 508
Select Board, 2 year
Blanks 86Spoiled 1
C. Peter Cole 394
Write-ins 27
Total 508
Select Board, 2 year (one year remaining)
Blanks 90Spoiled 1
C. Peter Cole 395
Write-ins 22
Total 508
Blanks 75Spoiled 1
Lynn Esty 423
Write-ins 9
Total 508
Trustee of Public Funds, 3 year
Blanks 61Spoiled 1
Steven A. Hier 442
Write-ins 4
Total 508
Town Agent
Blanks 33Spoiled 1
Flo-Ann Dango 468
Write-ins 6
Total 508
Grand Juror
Blanks 55Spoiled 1
Carolyn A. Hier 448
Write-ins 4
Total 508
Cemetery Commissioner, 5 year
Blanks 46Spoiled 1
Robert G. Holtorf 457
Write-ins 4
Total 508
Library Trustee, 3 year
Blanks 68Spoiled 1
Anne Parent 435
Write-ins 4
Total 508
Library Trustee, 3 year
Blanks 76Spoiled 1
Ulrike Henderson 427
Write-ins 4
Total 508