Town Meeting Day is Upon US in Vermont!

Today we gather in the Weathersfield School Gym in Ascutney to discuss how our school and town will be funded from July 2018-June 2019 (FY 2019.) Today and Tuesday, March 6 are the times when your questions and concerns will be heard by the school board, the select board and your neighbors. Tuesday, we vote to accept or reject the proposed budgets and articles. Don't sit back and let it happen without you, join in this time honored tradition of local government control.

From the Secretary of State Office Page:

Town meeting happens every year on the first Tuesday in March. A form of government that exists nowhere else in the world outside of New England, town meeting involves direct citizen lawmaking—true government by the governed. We should feel lucky to live in a place with this unique kind of local government, and community, and we should all do our best to take part.

At town meeting articles are voted “from the floor” or by Australian ballot. Some towns and school districts use only one form of voting, and many use a combination of the two methods. (Weathersfield does both.)

There are some really informative Town Meeting FAQs on this page.

Here in Weathersfield we meet today at the Weathersfield School in Ascutney to discuss the School Budget at 10 a.m. break for lunch and discuss the Town Budget at 12:30 p.m..

School Warning

Town Warning

Actual voting on Town Officers, Articles and Budgets takes place on Tuesday, March 6 at Martin Memorial Hall in Ascutney from 10 a.m.-7 p.m.. 

So bring your Town Reports, calculators and rulers; we'll see you in a few hours!

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