Ascutney Rope Tow Dedication #WestWindsorVT #VT #AscutneyOutdoors

Saturday February 6, 2016
Ascutney Mountain, West Windsor VT

The mountain is back. That's what folks attending the Rope Tow Dedication were saying on Saturday. After a couple of years of planning and fundraising, Ascutney Mountain has a rope tow and folks can ski again on this hill (if we get some snow!) Ascutney Outdoors worked with Trust For Public Land to help purchase the land.

Doug Hart, pictured above said all 11 of his grandkids learned to ski at Ascutney.

Dennis Brown (brown jacket) seen here with Rope Tow engineer and designer Ross Stevens said he's been working at the mountain since 1963.

I heard many similar stories on Saturday, how folks grew up on this mountain, learned to ski here. "dropped their kids off and picked them up when the graduated high school" here. It was a family mountain and if this event is any indication, it will continue to be a family mountain.

Charlotte MacLeay hugs her brother Eugene Ely (their father helped start Ascutney Mountain back in the late 1950s) as the ceremony dedicates the rope tow to the Ely and Howland Families.

About 300 people gathered for the dedication as a plaque created by Dave Dugdale of West Windsor was unveiled.

More images from the dedication:

Great coverage in last week's Vermont Standard:  and more this week.

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