Art Is Alive and Thriving in Our Local Schools #ReadingVT #VT #ReadingElementarySchool #ArtInTheClassroom

Tuesday February 9, 2016
Reading Elementary School
Reading, VT

In an era where school's are cutting out art and music from their curricula to "save money", schools in our area are actually adding more art and music time to the student's day.

I spent an afternoon with the students of the Grade 1/2 and Grade 5/6 art classes of Ms. Lisa Kaiji at Reading Elementary School and I witnessed the outright joy these students were experiencing during their time creating something of their own.

In our age of electronics and over stimulation from watching "blue screens", having children sit down and create something spectacular from bits of paper, crayons, thread, clay, or whatever media they choose can only enhance their minds flexibility. And create a very cool environment for all us spectators to enjoy.

Cheers to our Art and Music Teachers!

More images from my magical afternoon with the RES Students:

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