What To Do In and Around Weathersfield VT February 27

On Monday, we had a beautiful blue sky winter day. And just a couple of weeks ago we had snow, then rain, then melt, then snow. More Mount Ascutney photos: https://photosbynanci.smugmug.com/VermontPlaces/Weathersfield-VT/Ascutney-Mountain/ Now we're back to rain again today. What a weird winter this has been. But we're about to turn the calendars ( AND OUR CLOCKS on March 8 ) And in Vermont March means, maple sugaring and Town Meeting Day. And starting your garden seeds in your kitchens-but we'll get to that in a couple of weeks. Weathersfield voters will gather at the Weathersfield School on Saturday, February 29 at 10 a.m. for the School Meeting, break for lunch, then continue with the Town Meeting in the afternoon. The 2019 Auditor's Report has been posted on the Town Website . Australian Ballot voting takes place on Tuesday, March 3 at Martin Memorial Hall in Ascutney from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. (We vote on money articles and...