Weathersfield Weekly Blog, February 28, 2018
It's that time of year when neighbors gather to vote on our town budget. The annual meeting will be held on Saturday, March 3 at the school in Ascutney. The school board presents the school budget at 10 a.m. then there will be a lunch break followed by the select board presenting the town budget at 12:30 p.m.. These meetings are mostly question and answer sessions but they will help you make your decision on Tuesday, March 6 when we vote by Australian ballot at Martin Memorial Hall from 10 a.m.-7 p.m.. The ballot contains the names of people running for town office, the budgets, and articles to raise funds for various things in and around town. Your town report is the key to this whole next couple of weeks. Some people read it cover to cover, others just skim it. But we should all have our copies ready on Saturday to figure out how we should fund our school and town for the next fiscal year. After this celebration of citizen government, who wants to cook dinner. Let the volunteer...