Weathersfield News Aug 5 #WeathersfieldVT #VT
Weathersfield News August 5, 2015
Nancy Nutile-McMenemy
Already August, where has this summer gone. I still haven't finished weeding my perennial beds. I guess I'll tell them what I say to the TV each time a Red Sox game is on-"Wait 'Till Next Year!" I have continued to see some really good live music though.
Thursday night I saw The Bluegrass Gospel Project in Lebanon at the FREE Front Porch Concert Series on the Green (if you like country-The Shana Stack Band will be performing on Thursday Aug. 6.)
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The Bluegrass Gospel Project |
Saturday night I saw/witnessed a most unusual, but extremely talented, band from Providence RI-Arc Iris at Billsville House Concerts in Manchester VT. The music was ethereal and the visual performance was electrifying or as my friend Dougie says "Mind Blowing!"
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Arc Iris |
More Arc Iris images:
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Bernie 2016 |
Sunday I crossed the Connecticut River and heard Bernie Sanders speak to about 550 folks at the Common Man restaurant. He laid how America would look under a Sanders Presidency and the crowd enthusiastically approved.
More Bernie in Claremont images:
A few videos I took of at the event are posted here:
A few videos I took of at the event are posted here:
Quiet week this week but the weekend looks crazy again with Shana Stack, maybe Lyle Lovett, the Harpoon Point to Point and the Chief's Golf Classic.
More images of The Shana Stack band:
More Harpoon Point to Point 2014:
News You Can Use
Select Board July 20 Meeting-was a busy one for the Select Board. Town Manager Jim Mullen spoke of the need for a generator for emergency communications at Martin Memorial Hall. There was discussion about the town's ancient roads. John Arrison stated that as of this month, any ancient roads that are not on the Town’s highway map are now discontinued. The cell tower at the Ascutney four corners continues to be a concern. The Select Board will join the Planning Commission in a letter to Public Service Board and the Governor regarding permit violation by New Cingular Wireless/SBA Towers. Year-end expenses and revenues won’t be finalized until the end of August, but the Town Manager is projecting approximately $30,000 less in tax revenue from VELCO. Surpluses in the following departments: General Fund $28,564-$57,570, highway fund $37,044, and solid waste fund $6,895. The next Select Board meeting was on Aug. 3.
Town Calendar of Events:
2nd Annual Chief's Golf Classic Sunday Aug. 9 Noon Crown Point Country Club Valley RD Springfield. $99 per player. Fee includes greens fees, cart, barbeque and dessert buffet. For more information contact Kelly Murphy at (802) 299-9121. The Chief's Trophy is handcrafted by AVFA Retired Fire Chief Rodney Spaulding and will be presented to the winner at the close of each tournament.
Town Calendar of Events:
2nd Annual Chief's Golf Classic Sunday Aug. 9 Noon Crown Point Country Club Valley RD Springfield. $99 per player. Fee includes greens fees, cart, barbeque and dessert buffet. For more information contact Kelly Murphy at (802) 299-9121. The Chief's Trophy is handcrafted by AVFA Retired Fire Chief Rodney Spaulding and will be presented to the winner at the close of each tournament.
Windsor County Democrats Annual BBQ, Monday Aug. 10 5 p.m. Stoughton Pond, Weathersfield. Connect with other Dems, family and friends in Windsor County. Burgers, hotdogs and accoutrements provided. Bring something to share. Please RSVP to Bill (wfk101@comcast.netor 885-6388.)
Weathersfield School News-Act 46 Meeting Monday Aug. 10 6:30 p.m. at the school. Learn about the proposed school consolidation.
Weathersfield Monthly Potluck Luncheon and Speakers Tuesday Aug. 18 Noon at Perkinsville Community Church Vestry on Rt. 106. Bring a hot dish, salad or dessert. Beverages and paper goods will be provided. All are welcome. Come and get acquainted! Contact: Lorraine Zigman 802-263-5245;
West Weathersfield 2nd Annual Five Alarm 5-K Trail Run/Walk-Saturday Aug. 22 Event Details and Schedule
Annual Chicken Barbeque Aug. 22 Noon on the Green in Perkinsville . Complete dinners include half a chicken, dinner roll, baked beans, potato salad, dessert and a drink for $10! Serving from noon until we are out of chicken! Plenty of comfortable seating or take out dinners available. Benefits Perkinsville Community Church 802-558-6100
West Weathersfield 2nd Annual Five Alarm 5-K Trail Run/Walk-Saturday Aug. 22 Event Details and Schedule
Annual Chicken Barbeque Aug. 22 Noon on the Green in Perkinsville . Complete dinners include half a chicken, dinner roll, baked beans, potato salad, dessert and a drink for $10! Serving from noon until we are out of chicken! Plenty of comfortable seating or take out dinners available. Benefits Perkinsville Community Church 802-558-6100
Weathersfield Hikes- Sunday, August 9th, 5:00 PM: Ferry Road and the Connecticut River. This generally level route heads down shaded Ferry Road and into Skyline Nursery. Soon it follows the river, sometimes with views. The total length is about 2 miles. Carol Orth is the leader. Feel free to call Steve, hiking organizer, at 263-5439 with questions.
Weathersfield Proctor Library-The Summer Reading Program is in full swing. Saturday, Aug 8 6:30 p.m. Summer Reading Party and Super Hero Obstacle Course-Come and Save a Damsel or Damson from mortal peril! So put on your SUPER CAPE and Check Out some books! Let the Summer Reading Adventure Begin! The Trustees have rented a port-o-let until a new ADA accessible bathroom can be built to accommodate the library patrons.
Valley Court Diversion Programs-Volunteer are needed in Weathersfield/Springfield areas to work with low level offenders in the community. The organization embraces the principles of restorative justice. As a volunteer, you will hear participant's stories and help create a restorative contract with them. The group meets once a month at the Springfield Police Department, your commitment will require about 3 hours a month. Training is provided. For more information please visit our website at or call Maureen at 802-295-5078 #10.
Food Shelf The Weathersfield Food Shelf is located at 7303 Route 131 - the former "World of Discovery" daycare. Thanks to the generosity of their donors, the Weathersfield Food Shelf will now be open every Thursday from 4-5 p.m.
Senior Exercise Program in Ascutney-FREE sponsored by RSPV- Wednesdays 10-11 a.m. in basement of Martin Memorial Hall, Route 5, Ascutney, VT. Classes are led by Geraldine Rudenfeldt. If interested call 674-5254 for more information.
Weathersfield Proctor Library, Hours: Wed 10-6 p.m.; Thurs & Fri noon-6 p.m.; Sat 9-1 p.m. Summer Reading Program "Super Heroes" begins Jun. 24, come in and sign up today! FREE Programs-FREE Computer Tutor - Fridays 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Do you want to learn how to use a computer? Sign up for email or Facebook or learn more about internet safety? Did you know the library offers downloadable eBooks and audiobooks? Sign up required. BYOL (bring your own laptop or smartphone if you have one).
Volunteers in Action (VIA) is looking for volunteer drivers. VIA is an organization that drives people to doctor's appointments, usually at Mt. Ascutney Hospital or DHMC and occasionally grocery missions. Your mileage is reimbursable. Please call VIA at (802) 674-5971 ask for Martha or Scottie.
Need to Find a Business in Weathersfield:
Have anything you want included in this news and events column-email Nancy at two weeks prior to your event.