Famous Roast Beef Suppers in Hartland VT

Adam Parker delivers roast beef to Lana Manning
For over 35 years the Hartland First Congregational Church has hosted their Famous Roast Beef Suppers. The suppers run for nine consecutive Saturdays in late January-March. This year’s suppers end on March 16th. Three teams of kitchen and dining room volunteers work three suppers. Volunteers are church members, community members and their friends. Some of the twenty-somethings have been volunteering since they were five years old. 

John Duman slices the roast beef
Martha Dow readies the dinner rolls
Rhonda Lamica gets more roast beef and rolls ready for the tables
Jami-Lee Fernandes slices up the pies
The menu includes roast beef, home made pies, rolls, and side dishes, all homemade drawing hungry patrons from throughout the region. Some folks attend all nine suppers and some have been attending since the suppers began. Each supper serves anywhere from 250-300 diners.

More event images: Photos by Nanci SmugMug

Roast Beef Supper
Hosted by Hartland First Congregational Church
Hartland VT February 23, 2013
Copyright ©2013 Nancy Nutile-McMenemy
For The Vermont Standard: http://www.thevermontstandard.com/
Image Galleries: http://thevermontstandard.smugmug.com/

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