Weathersfield Town Meeting Results
Town Meeting Results 2022
(from the Town Website and a call to the Town Clerk's office)
Australian Ballot Voting Town Positions
Moderator 1YR John Broker-Campbell
Select Board 3 YR Joseph Bublat-128
David T. Fuller-237
Wendy Smith-76
Select Board 2 YR August Murray-189
Wendy Smith-193
Lister 3YR OPEN Blanks 450
2 YR rem Barbara Thomas-368
Trustee of Public Funds 3YR OPEN
Cemetery Commissioner 5YR Ashley Esty
Library Trustee 3YR Roderick "Rick" Bates
Town Articles to be Voted on by Australian Ballot March1
Articles 1-5 are usually voice votes from the floor but the meeting was via ZOOM so these articles were placed on the ballot. ALL PASSED
Article 6: PASSED 360 to 87
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $1,445,409 for the support and operation of the Town’s General Fund? $1,075,448 shall be raised by property taxation, allowing the Selectboard to set the appropriate tax rate.
Article 7: PASSED 336 to 112
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $1,180,468 for the support and operation of the Town’s Highway Fund? $930,341 shall be raised by property taxation, allowing the Select Board to set the appropriate tax rate.
Article 8: PASSED 384 to 64
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $298,643 for the support and operation of the Town’s Solid Waste Management Facility? These monies shall be raised by non-tax revenues.
Article 9: PASSED 295 to 155
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Selectboard to borrow funds not to exceed $270,000 for a period not to exceed 7-years for the purpose of purchasing a fire truck to replace Ascutney Volunteer Fire Association’s 1995 Pumper with a new Tanker? The cost of the Fire Truck will not exceed $325,000. The balance of the funds needed to purchase the truck will come from the sale or trade-in of Engine No. 1 and no more than $50,000 from the Town’s Fire Apparatus Acquisition Reserve Fund. [Not in Budget]
Article 10: PASSED 322 to 136
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Selectboard to borrow funds not to exceed $70,000 for a period not to exceed 7-years for the purpose of purchasing a truck/snowplow for the maintenance of Town Highways? The total cost of the truck will not exceed $100,000 of which $30,000 shall come from the Highway Equipment Acquisition Fund. This is to replace the 2012 F550. [Not in Budget]
Article 11: PASSED 295 to 160
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $33,000 to be deposited into Highway Equipment Reserves? [Not in budget]
Article 12: PASSED 334 to113
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $1,000, to support the efforts of the Friends of the Meeting House (a 501 c3 non-profit for the continued maintenance of the Weathersfield Center Meeting House)? [Not in Budget]
Article 13: PASSED 370 to 78
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $12,100 to support the activities of the Visiting Nurses and Hospice of VT and NH (a 501 c3 non-profit)? [Not in Budget]
Article 14: PASSED 299 to 144
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $1,500 to support the activities of Southeastern Vermont Community Action (a 501 c3 non-profit)? [Not in Budget]
Article 15: PASSED 315 to 131
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $2,683 to support the activities of the Health Care & Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont (a 501 c3 non-profit)? [Not in Budget]
Article 16: PASSED 363 to 65
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $750 to support the activities of Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (a 501 c3 non-profit)? [Not in Budget]
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $1,445,409 for the support and operation of the Town’s General Fund? $1,075,448 shall be raised by property taxation, allowing the Selectboard to set the appropriate tax rate.
Article 7: PASSED 336 to 112
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $1,180,468 for the support and operation of the Town’s Highway Fund? $930,341 shall be raised by property taxation, allowing the Select Board to set the appropriate tax rate.
Article 8: PASSED 384 to 64
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $298,643 for the support and operation of the Town’s Solid Waste Management Facility? These monies shall be raised by non-tax revenues.
Article 9: PASSED 295 to 155
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Selectboard to borrow funds not to exceed $270,000 for a period not to exceed 7-years for the purpose of purchasing a fire truck to replace Ascutney Volunteer Fire Association’s 1995 Pumper with a new Tanker? The cost of the Fire Truck will not exceed $325,000. The balance of the funds needed to purchase the truck will come from the sale or trade-in of Engine No. 1 and no more than $50,000 from the Town’s Fire Apparatus Acquisition Reserve Fund. [Not in Budget]
Article 10: PASSED 322 to 136
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Selectboard to borrow funds not to exceed $70,000 for a period not to exceed 7-years for the purpose of purchasing a truck/snowplow for the maintenance of Town Highways? The total cost of the truck will not exceed $100,000 of which $30,000 shall come from the Highway Equipment Acquisition Fund. This is to replace the 2012 F550. [Not in Budget]
Article 11: PASSED 295 to 160
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $33,000 to be deposited into Highway Equipment Reserves? [Not in budget]
Article 12: PASSED 334 to113
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $1,000, to support the efforts of the Friends of the Meeting House (a 501 c3 non-profit for the continued maintenance of the Weathersfield Center Meeting House)? [Not in Budget]
Article 13: PASSED 370 to 78
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $12,100 to support the activities of the Visiting Nurses and Hospice of VT and NH (a 501 c3 non-profit)? [Not in Budget]
Article 14: PASSED 299 to 144
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $1,500 to support the activities of Southeastern Vermont Community Action (a 501 c3 non-profit)? [Not in Budget]
Article 15: PASSED 315 to 131
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $2,683 to support the activities of the Health Care & Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont (a 501 c3 non-profit)? [Not in Budget]
Article 16: PASSED 363 to 65
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $750 to support the activities of Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (a 501 c3 non-profit)? [Not in Budget]
Australian Ballot Voting School Positions
(There are a few Write-in Candidates but they did not contact me to publish their information.)
Moderator 1YR John Broker-Campbell-400
School Director 1YR Nicole Gagnon-257
School Director 1 YR Mark D. Yuengling-310
School Director 3YR Annemarie Redmond-352
School Article to be Voted on by Australian Ballot March1
Articles 1,2,3 are usually voice votes from the floor but the meeting was a hybrid so these articles were placed on the ballot. ALL PASSED
Article 4-PASSED 274 to 190
Shall the voters of the Weathersfield School District approve the school board to expend $6,964,373.00 which is the amount the school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year? It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved , will result in education spending of $20,998.74 per equalized pupil. This projected spending per equalized pupil is 2.29% higher than the spending for the current year.
Nancy Nutile-McMenemy is an Upper Valley freelance photographer and writer who loves paddle, hike, attend concerts and local events in and around Weathersfield and the Upper Valley.
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