Be Smart, Be Safe in Weathersfield VT, September 14
It's getting to be that time of year...
Did you fill out your 2020 Census yet?
Have you filled out Your 2020 Census Questionnaire Yet? You need to be counted so Vermont can get the Federal money we deserve; it's based on the Census data that is ONLY collected every 10 years!
School lunches. Plans for highways. Support for firefighters and families in need, the list goes on.
The results of the 2020 Census will help determine how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding flow into communities every year for the next decade. That funding shapes many different aspects of every community, no matter the size, no matter the location.
You ONLY have until the end of September.
It's so easy to do online, takes 5 minutes and you won't get a visit from a Census taker.
Do it NOW-CLICK HERE for the easy questionnaire.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
There will be a household hazardous waste collection on TUESDAY, September 15 at the Springfield Transfer Station, 2-6 p.m. for residents of Andover, Athens, Baltimore, Cavendish, Chester, Grafton, Ludlow, Plymouth, Reading, Rockingham, Springfield, Weathersfield, West Windsor, and Windsor.
Sponsored by the Southern Windsor/Windham Counties Solid Waste Management District and the Town of Springfield. Call 674-9235 for more information or visit for a list of what to bring and what not to bring.
Paddle Report
Last week my friends, The Hump Day paddlers (because we paddle on Wednesday morning) and I put our kayaks in at Wilder Dam. We used the Kilowatt South boat ramp and paddled up the Connecticut River towards the Ledyard Bridge.
We stopped at the Titcomb Cabin-just to check it out.
The cabin is on Gilman Island. The original cabin, which was built in 1953, burned down in the spring of 2009.
Dartmouth students took on the challenge of rebuilding the cabin and the finished product now stands on the old site. Thanks to the hard work of many Ledyardites, the cabin is available to rent as of June of 2012.
Unfortunately, you cannot rent the cabin this summer due to COVID-19 but maybe in the future.
We rounded the island and saw a cormorant.
We quickly paddled past the Waste Water Treatment plant and headed up Mink Brook. It was a beautiful paddle.
We paddled under the South Main Street Bridge and found a lovely waterway to explore.
We turned around in the Mink Brook Nature Preserve when the brook got too narrow and shallow. It was another great day on the water.
Vermont COVID-19 Updates
For more information on:
COVID-19 health information, guidance and case data, visit
The Governor’s actions, visit
The state’s modeling, visit
New National Case Map
Updated travel map September 11, 2020
Wondering what rules to follow if you visit Vermont? Or, if you’re in Vermont and planning a trip out of state, what to do when you come home?
If you travel, you may need to quarantine to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our state. See guidance on this page to find out what you need to do.
New Hampshire COVID-19 Updates
Dartmouth COVID-19 Dashboard up and Running
Dartmouth updates this COVID-19 dashboard on Mondays and Thursdays. For more information on how Dartmouth is working to help keep our community safe, please visit our COVID-19 Information and Resources.
You are NOT Alone, Please Reach Out!
We're all stressed out and are wondering about the future. Don't go it alone.
In either VT or NH dial 211
To access a 24-hour Crisis Text Line people can text VT to 741741
This is a stressful time for everyone. Don't go it alone.
Health Care and Rehabilitation Services 24-hour crisis hotline 1-800-622-4235
HCRS Warm Line for people struggling with COVID-19 related stress and anxiety 1-800-917-1622
Headrest local crisis line 603-448-4400 and Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255
Also check out Upper Valley Strong
Be Smart, Stay Safe friends and neighbors.
Remember to call or check in on your elderly neighbors, bring them some cheer from a proper physical distance.
Town of Weathersfield Updates
REMINDER-Special Town Meeting (Informational) September 19 at the Weathersfield School at 1 p.m. for Zoning Bylaws amendment for the processing of firewood.
The meeting will be held outside rain or shine or can be accessed online remotely. Visit the Town Website for instructions. The vote will be held on November 3, 2020 by Australian ballot during the General Election. Polls will be open 8 a.m.-7 p.m..
School Updates
Principal Search Committee Forming
Ms. JeanMarie Oakman has decided to retire at the end of this school year. The Weathersfield School Board is looking for volunteers to serve on the Principal Search Committee. The board is looking for Parents, Community Members, and Staff who would be willing to serve.The commitment would be to attend approximately five (5) meetings to review initial resumes and interview the semi-finalist applicants. Volunteers should expect to attend up to five (5) early evening meetings to accomplish the task. These meetings may be in-person, virtual, or both. If you are interested in serving on this committee please send an email to BJ Esty-, indicating which group you want to represent (parents, community, or staff) by Friday, September 25, 2020.
The board will select the final members of this committee at their next meeting, October 13th. Resume reviews and interviews will be scheduled for late November into early December. We hope to be able to establish a list of finalists for the full board to interview in mid-December.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. David Baker, WSESU Superintendent at 802-674-2144 ext. 107 or by email: Thank you for your willingness to serve on this committee.
School Updates
From Dr. Baker School Year 2020-2021 Update
Mask wearing for Children
Principal Oakman posted a "Social Story" about children and mask wearing. It can be viewed here:
Things to Do In and Around Weathersfield
Learn to Belly Dance
Zoom – Monday, Sept 21, 6 pm
Zoom - Tuesday, Sept 22, 7:15 pm
Zoom - Thursday, Sept 24, 5:45 pm
Zoom - Saturday, Sept 26, 11:00 am
Within one hour you'll be a Belly Dancer!
All shapes, sizes, ages and ability levels welcome and encouraged.
No previous dance experience or special clothing required.
More info at
RSVP at or call (802) 282-2149 and I’ll send you the exact location and/or zoom link.

Helicopter Golf Ball Drop to benefit Zack's Place
Zack's Place is once again doing the Helicopter Golf Ball Drop!
They are selling Golf Balls for $50.00.
What will happen is on September 18th at 5:45P, Sharkey's Helicopter is going to buzz over the Woodstock Country Club and drop 500 balls.
The closest to the hole wins $5000, 2nd place is $2000 and third place has 10 winners at $100 each. You can buy the balls online.
If this event is successful it will raise $17,000 of much needed funds for Zack's Place.
Due to Covid-19 they have had to modify their fundraisers. During this period of time Zack's Place has remained open offering Zoom Classes daily. These classes have been a life saver for their participants which gives them the opportunity for a social outlet in these difficult times.
To buy a golf ball go to: Click here to register for the golf ball drop More information email
Weathersfield Hikes
They are being held under the auspices of Weathersfield Parks and Recreation. Well-behaved dogs are welcome. They expect a range of hiking speeds and abilities.
Reserve Your Spot on the Hikes
Contact Steve Aikenhead, at 263-5439 or to reserve your spot on the hikes.
Are you new to hiking?
Wear footwear that is broken in and appropriate for our uneven trails. Hikers join at their own risk.
Feel free to call Steve, organizer, at 263-5439 or
Experienced hikers are also encouraged to ask questions or comment freely.
COVID-19 Precautions
Please observe COVID-19 precautions: physical distancing, wearing masks etc.. If you don't feel well, please stay home.
The Hikes
Sunday, September 20, 5:00 PM: Ferry Road and the Connecticut River
This generally level route with one steep descent heads down shaded Ferry Road and into Skyline Nursery. Soon it follows the river, sometimes with views. At one point the remains of the huge Consul Jarvis sheep barn can be glimpsed. The total length is about 2 miles. Carol Orth is the leader.
Saturday, October 10, 9:30 AM: Cooks Pond Loop
This is a route on wooded dirt roads more than on trail. There is a lovely framed view of Mt. Ascutney from the south end of Cooks Pond. Other mountain views occur at later points. Difficulty: easy to moderate, with one long incline and a shorter one. Distance: almost 3 miles.
Saturday, October 17, 8:00 AM: Ascutney Mountain
We will go to the fire tower and the Brownsville Overlook. We will go up the Weathersfield Trail, but people wanting a less strenuous hike (.7 miles up) could drive up and meet us at the top, we hope. I might join that shorter climb. We leave early because parking later is a problem.
They are being held under the auspices of Weathersfield Parks and Recreation. Well-behaved dogs are welcome. They expect a range of hiking speeds and abilities.
Reserve Your Spot on the Hikes
Contact Steve Aikenhead, at 263-5439 or to reserve your spot on the hikes.
Are you new to hiking?
Wear footwear that is broken in and appropriate for our uneven trails. Hikers join at their own risk.
Feel free to call Steve, organizer, at 263-5439 or
Experienced hikers are also encouraged to ask questions or comment freely.
COVID-19 Precautions
Please observe COVID-19 precautions: physical distancing, wearing masks etc.. If you don't feel well, please stay home.
The Hikes
Sunday, September 20, 5:00 PM: Ferry Road and the Connecticut River
This generally level route with one steep descent heads down shaded Ferry Road and into Skyline Nursery. Soon it follows the river, sometimes with views. At one point the remains of the huge Consul Jarvis sheep barn can be glimpsed. The total length is about 2 miles. Carol Orth is the leader.
Saturday, October 10, 9:30 AM: Cooks Pond Loop
This is a route on wooded dirt roads more than on trail. There is a lovely framed view of Mt. Ascutney from the south end of Cooks Pond. Other mountain views occur at later points. Difficulty: easy to moderate, with one long incline and a shorter one. Distance: almost 3 miles.
Saturday, October 17, 8:00 AM: Ascutney Mountain
We will go to the fire tower and the Brownsville Overlook. We will go up the Weathersfield Trail, but people wanting a less strenuous hike (.7 miles up) could drive up and meet us at the top, we hope. I might join that shorter climb. We leave early because parking later is a problem.
Reserve Your Spot on the Hikes
Contact Steve Aikenhead, at 263-5439 or to reserve your spot on the hikes.
Are you new to hiking?
Wear footwear that is broken in and appropriate for our uneven trails. Hikers join at their own risk.
Feel free to call Steve, organizer, at 263-5439 or
Experienced hikers are also encouraged to ask questions or comment freely.
COVID-19 Precautions
Please observe COVID-19 precautions: physical distancing, wearing masks etc.. If you don't feel well, please stay home.
The Hikes
Sunday, September 20, 5:00 PM: Ferry Road and the Connecticut River
This generally level route with one steep descent heads down shaded Ferry Road and into Skyline Nursery. Soon it follows the river, sometimes with views. At one point the remains of the huge Consul Jarvis sheep barn can be glimpsed. The total length is about 2 miles. Carol Orth is the leader.
Saturday, October 10, 9:30 AM: Cooks Pond Loop
This is a route on wooded dirt roads more than on trail. There is a lovely framed view of Mt. Ascutney from the south end of Cooks Pond. Other mountain views occur at later points. Difficulty: easy to moderate, with one long incline and a shorter one. Distance: almost 3 miles.
Saturday, October 17, 8:00 AM: Ascutney Mountain
We will go to the fire tower and the Brownsville Overlook. We will go up the Weathersfield Trail, but people wanting a less strenuous hike (.7 miles up) could drive up and meet us at the top, we hope. I might join that shorter climb. We leave early because parking later is a problem.

Within Reach Yoga Under the Trees
Weathersfield resident, Lisa Gleeson, Within Reach Yoga, is hosting indoor yoga classes at the Weathersfield Meeting House/Church on Saturdays. (Safe mat distancing and mask wearing occurs)
Slow Flow, Rest + Restore Saturdays, 9-10 am
Email to register or with any questions.
COST: $12 drop-in or one punch for those who have purchased punch passes.
To stay in the loop for classes and locations, for questions, to register, or to subscribe to our newsletter, please email Follow her on facebook for class updates.
Weathersfield resident, Lisa Gleeson, Within Reach Yoga, is hosting indoor yoga classes at the Weathersfield Meeting House/Church on Saturdays. (Safe mat distancing and mask wearing occurs)
Email to register or with any questions.
COST: $12 drop-in or one punch for those who have purchased punch passes.
To stay in the loop for classes and locations, for questions, to register, or to subscribe to our newsletter, please email Follow her on facebook for class updates.

Learn to Meditate
Register before Sunday to get the link if you would like to be on the notification list. Or if you just want to try it once, email to request the zoom link.
Learn to Meditate Class and Dharma talk: For beginners and practitioners.
This online open house is a great introduction to the Shambhala Buddhist teachings and an opportunity to connect with other practitioners. It features half an hour meditation practice with meditation instruction, followed by a talk by one of our senior teachers, and discussion period. Attendance is free and open to the public. A good class for both beginners and meditators.
If you would like to make a donation to the White River Shambhala Meditation Center for the online class, you can do so on their page or by mailing a check to the White River Shambhala Center, PO Box 1254, WRJ, VT 05001.
ALL WELCOME. The class will be led by Shastri Donna Williams of the White River Shambhala Meditation Center.
Learn to Meditate Class and Dharma talk: For beginners and practitioners.
This online open house is a great introduction to the Shambhala Buddhist teachings and an opportunity to connect with other practitioners. It features half an hour meditation practice with meditation instruction, followed by a talk by one of our senior teachers, and discussion period. Attendance is free and open to the public. A good class for both beginners and meditators.
If you would like to make a donation to the White River Shambhala Meditation Center for the online class, you can do so on their page or by mailing a check to the White River Shambhala Center, PO Box 1254, WRJ, VT 05001.
ALL WELCOME. The class will be led by Shastri Donna Williams of the White River Shambhala Meditation Center.
Take a little break with the talented folks of NCCT. If you are like me you are really missing live performances. Here's a little show to tide you over. There is NO CHARGE to watch but if you like what you see please DONATE to this wonderful theatre group.
Special Thanks to:
Briggs Opera House
Dan Drye of Roll Films, LLC
Craig Mowery
Director: Lanni Luce West
Accompanist: Gerry Grimo
Production Manager: Beth Zuttermeister
Sound and Lights: Emma Hadden and Ken Munsey
Technical Director: Clif Rogers
Performers (in alphabetical order): Mark Boutwell, Loida Boy, Constance Bryan, Taylor Burgess, Andrew Carmichael, Elizabthe Chambers, Mark Cookson, AJ DeFelice, Amy Fortier, Jacqueline Griggs, Emma Hadden, Isabelle Hall, Lia Hammond, Eli Hoffer, Da-Shih Hu, Margaret Hunton, Katharine Kitchel, Amye Mason, Lori Mather, Whitney Carroll McKinnon, Danny Mello, Ken Munsey, Anna Munsey-Kano, Daniel Naranjo, Julia Pierce, Sam Powers, Cameron Stevens, Olivia Swayze, Darik Velez, Barry Wenig, David Wilson
Special Thanks to:
Briggs Opera House
Dan Drye of Roll Films, LLC
Craig Mowery
Director: Lanni Luce West
Accompanist: Gerry Grimo
Production Manager: Beth Zuttermeister
Sound and Lights: Emma Hadden and Ken Munsey
Technical Director: Clif Rogers
Performers (in alphabetical order): Mark Boutwell, Loida Boy, Constance Bryan, Taylor Burgess, Andrew Carmichael, Elizabthe Chambers, Mark Cookson, AJ DeFelice, Amy Fortier, Jacqueline Griggs, Emma Hadden, Isabelle Hall, Lia Hammond, Eli Hoffer, Da-Shih Hu, Margaret Hunton, Katharine Kitchel, Amye Mason, Lori Mather, Whitney Carroll McKinnon, Danny Mello, Ken Munsey, Anna Munsey-Kano, Daniel Naranjo, Julia Pierce, Sam Powers, Cameron Stevens, Olivia Swayze, Darik Velez, Barry Wenig, David Wilson

Sign Up for Zack's Place Annual Turkey Trot Virtually
T-shirt Artwork by Keegan Moriarty
Zack's Place 2020 Virtual Turkey Trot Register now to support Zack's Place
The Zack's Place Turkey Trot is virtual this year. Organizers are hoping that the community will still get outside and trot on Thanksgiving Day to support Zack's Place, see other people trotting, feel good, burn calories and do something really great.
Zack's Place needs you more now than ever. They need your help raising the money to keep their programs going, so that when it is safe, they are ready to go, in person again. Please join them on Thanksgiving Day for the Zack's Place Virtual Turkey Trot!
To register now click here: Click Here to Register for the Zack's Place Turkey Trot
T-shirt Artwork by Keegan Moriarty
Zack's Place 2020 Virtual Turkey Trot Register now to support Zack's Place
The Zack's Place Turkey Trot is virtual this year. Organizers are hoping that the community will still get outside and trot on Thanksgiving Day to support Zack's Place, see other people trotting, feel good, burn calories and do something really great.
Zack's Place needs you more now than ever. They need your help raising the money to keep their programs going, so that when it is safe, they are ready to go, in person again. Please join them on Thanksgiving Day for the Zack's Place Virtual Turkey Trot!
To register now click here: Click Here to Register for the Zack's Place Turkey Trot
Inn at Weathersfield-dine inside or outside Thursdays, fridays and Saturdays, call for a reservation 802-263-9217. They also offer a take away menu.
Springfield Diner-seating inside/outside daily 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Ice cream shop open Thursday-Sunday 1-7 pm. Please use ice cream shop entrance for ice cream. Daily specials.
Villagers Ice Cream Hours Noon-8:30 p.m. except Monday.
The Hanover Chamber put together this list of Curbside Restaurants:
Check to see if your favorite restaurant is open for outdoor and/or indoor dining. Most are requiring reservations so call ahead for their guidelines and business hours.
Food Assistance
Ascutney Union Church Food Cupboard in Ascutney 5243 Route 5 Saturdays 9-10 a.m. call 802-674-2484.
Weathersfield Food Shelf in Perkinsville. The 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 2-4 p.m. WFS is located in the 1879 Schoolhouse at 1862 Route 106 in Perkinsville. Donations of non-perishable food are always welcomed and may be dropped off at the facility during open hours or placed in the collection box at Martin Memorial Hall. For more information, call 802-263-5584 or email
Hartland Food shelf in Hartland. 4 Corners UU Church Fridays 8-10 a.m, Saturdays 10 a.m-2 p.m.
Reading-West Windsor Food Shelf in Reading. Mondays 2-4 p.m. and Thursday 4-6 p.m. Stone School 3456 Tyson Rd, Reading.
General Election is November 3, 2020
Secy of State Jim Condos said on Thursday that ballots will go out during the last 10 days of September—and that people planning to mail them in should post them by Oct. 26. The early date's precautionary, he told VTDigger: "We don’t suspect we’re going to see any problems with the Postal Service here in Vermont."
In all, about 70 percent of Vermont voters cast their ballots by mail in the August primary.
Did you know you can register to vote ONLINE
There is no deadline to register, you may register to vote up to and including the day of the election. However, if you register online the day before the election or on Election Day, your application may not be processed and your name may not appear on the checklist and you may be asked to fill out another application at the polls. To be sure your name appears on the checklist, please register by the Friday before the election.
AARP Voting Info website:
What are the key races in my Vermont?
U.S. president
U.S. House: Incumbent Peter Welch (D) vs. Miriam Berry (R) and Chris Brimmer (P)
Governor: Incumbent Phil Scott (R) vs. Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman (D)
State Senate: All 30 seats
State House: All 150 seats
Ascutney Union Church Food Cupboard in Ascutney 5243 Route 5 Saturdays 9-10 a.m. call 802-674-2484.
Weathersfield Food Shelf in Perkinsville. The 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 2-4 p.m. WFS is located in the 1879 Schoolhouse at 1862 Route 106 in Perkinsville. Donations of non-perishable food are always welcomed and may be dropped off at the facility during open hours or placed in the collection box at Martin Memorial Hall. For more information, call 802-263-5584 or email
Hartland Food shelf in Hartland. 4 Corners UU Church Fridays 8-10 a.m, Saturdays 10 a.m-2 p.m.
Weathersfield Food Shelf in Perkinsville. The 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 2-4 p.m. WFS is located in the 1879 Schoolhouse at 1862 Route 106 in Perkinsville. Donations of non-perishable food are always welcomed and may be dropped off at the facility during open hours or placed in the collection box at Martin Memorial Hall. For more information, call 802-263-5584 or email
Hartland Food shelf in Hartland. 4 Corners UU Church Fridays 8-10 a.m, Saturdays 10 a.m-2 p.m.
Reading-West Windsor Food Shelf in Reading. Mondays 2-4 p.m. and Thursday 4-6 p.m. Stone School 3456 Tyson Rd, Reading.
General Election is November 3, 2020Secy of State Jim Condos said on Thursday that ballots will go out during the last 10 days of September—and that people planning to mail them in should post them by Oct. 26. The early date's precautionary, he told VTDigger: "We don’t suspect we’re going to see any problems with the Postal Service here in Vermont."
In all, about 70 percent of Vermont voters cast their ballots by mail in the August primary.
Did you know you can register to vote ONLINE
There is no deadline to register, you may register to vote up to and including the day of the election. However, if you register online the day before the election or on Election Day, your application may not be processed and your name may not appear on the checklist and you may be asked to fill out another application at the polls. To be sure your name appears on the checklist, please register by the Friday before the election.
AARP Voting Info website:
What are the key races in my Vermont?
U.S. president
U.S. House: Incumbent Peter Welch (D) vs. Miriam Berry (R) and Chris Brimmer (P)
Governor: Incumbent Phil Scott (R) vs. Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman (D)
State Senate: All 30 seats
State House: All 150 seats
State Senate: All 30 seats
State House: All 150 seats
Travel Plans this Fall?Check out AAA COVID-19 Guidelines. This map shows restrictions and guidelines to all 50 states and some parts of Canada.
Travel Plans this Fall?
Check out AAA COVID-19 Guidelines. This map shows restrictions and guidelines to all 50 states and some parts of Canada.'ll get through this together. We're all connected.
If you have anything you think I should post drop me an email: