Weathersfield News April 27 #WeathersfieldVT #VT
Weathersfield News April 27, 2016 Nancy Nutile-McMenemy Lots happening next week in Weathersfield. Mimi Baird is coming to town to speak about her book that Brad Pitt has optioned for a movie on Wednesday May 4. Mimi will speak about her book He Wanted the Moon Saturday May 7 is packed with things to do-- T here will be the annual Mother's Day Plant Sale at the Ascutney Fire Station; it's Green Up Day; and AVFA will also be selling cocoa mulch this year for gardeners that want to really spruce up their yards (see more info below!) So rest up this week because you're gonna be busy the first week of May! Weathersfield School News: SBAC and NECAP Schedules are set for May. All students in grades 3-8 are required to take the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium test, or SBAC, in reading and math. This is a mandated test for Vermont , along with several other states. It ...