Weathersfield News Nov 12 #weathersfield #VT

Weathersfield News November 12, 2014
Nancy Nutile-McMenemy

I hope you all noticed 'Old Glory' flying on the power poles in Ascutney and Perkinsville. The Weathersfield American Flag Project, headed by Lisa and Jeff Slade, raised private funds to purchase the flags and mounts; used volunteers to mount them and as a result the flags are now proudly on display in time for Veterans Day. The flags will be removed for the winter and will reappear just before Memorial Day. The group is still accepting donations (in the form of a check made payable to the Town of Weathersfield mailed to the Town Office at PO Box 550 Ascutney, VT 05030 or contact Lisa Slade 802-291-1475 for more information) so the flags and mounts can be replaced as needed.

Signs of November-gray skies, leafless trees and time to wear orange. Youth rifle season in Vermont was last weekend Nov. 8 and 9. Rifle Deer Hunting and Late Black Bear Hunting open Nov. 15 through Nov. 30 and Nov. 23 respectively. A good source of Vermont Hunting Information is: So it's time to get out the blaze orange for you and your dogs. We hike in the woods daily and always have a reflective vest and bell on our dog. The vests are fairly inexpensive and no only can be used during hunting season but year round for you dog's safety.

Select Board News
Portion of Asa Grout Lane Reclassified. Mr. Arrison said that the Board had received a letter from the Public Works Supervisor saying that the work has been completed and that the grader and a truck from the West Weathersfield Fire Department can turn around at the top. He said they have the Findings of Facts and the Conclusion of Law. The Select Board voted unanimously to reclassify a portion of Asa Grout Lane that is 1260± feet from a class 4 to a class 3 town highway.

Weathersfield Elementary School News
Grade 8 Raffle-Congratulations to the following people for winning the 8th Grade Raffle on Saturday, Nov. 1: One night stay at the Weathersfield Inn- Jean Wright; Kayak with life vest and paddle- Chris and Lillie; Handmade Quilt- Milton Dopp; Detailed Car Wash- Scott Harriman. Money raised will help the 8th grade field trip to Boston.

“Tom the Terrific Turkey” by Harriet Wood-Former WES Title 1 Reading teacher, Harriet Wood, is an author! Her new book is called “Tom the Terrific Turkey”. WES Library Media Teacher, Mrs. Smith, has asked Mrs. Wood to come to school to read her new book to the children. The school purchased eight copies for the children to enjoy and sign out. Mrs. Wood is planning to spend the day in  the library on Monday, Nov. 24 and on Tuesday, Nov. 25 for 8th period. She is planning to  read her book to each class during their library time.

Art on Display-Caitlin Flanigin, WES Art Teacher, has mounted student art work from grades 5th-8th at the WSESU Central Office in Windsor, (above the Mascoma
Bank.) Each school displays artwork there during the year. The display includes about 25 pieces, all up on the walls. The work will be on display until Dec. 12.

Donations Needed
The Student Council will be collecting the items below for this year's Thanksgiving Baskets. The class with the most donations will win a pizza party! Student Council will be filling 20 baskets for the community. All donations are due by Friday, Nov. 21. Items needed: Turkey-Frozen, Potatoes, Squash, Cranberry Sauce, Stuffing, Canned Veggie, Pickles, Pie Crust, Pie Filling, Gravy, and Juice. Items may be dropped off at the school.

Manchester Monarchs Field Trip
Many parents and Weathersfield family members have asked about chaperoning for the Manchester Monarchs field trip on Nov. 19. The School will be inviting volunteers, but only after school personnel needing to go have been assured seating in the arena with their students. If you'd like to volunteer, please contact Jessica Sivret at the school by email: The Verizon Wireless Arena is a public place so if you would like to attend on your own and not as a chaperone, please visit to get tickets for the event.

Town Events:
History of Vermont Agriculture
Thursday Nov. 13 6:30 p.m. Weathersfield Proctor Library. Roger Albee, the former Secretary of the State of Vermont Department of Agriculture will give a presentation on the History of Vermont Agriculture since 1766, why changes took place, and what it means for today. The Weathersfield Proctor Library is located at 5181 Route 5 Ascutney VT. For more information please call 802-674-2863 or email

Last Week to Submit-Wildlife Photo Contest-2nd Annual Contest Sponsored by the Weathersfield Conservation Commission. Requirements: Limited to native wildlife (animals, birds, or insects);  Limited to amateur photographer; Must be photographed locally (within a 50 mile radius.)  One submission per person must be on a 8 x 10 glossy. There will be up to three places should there be sufficient entries. Judging will be done by 3 interested persons. Submitted photos can be dropped off at the Weathersfield Town Office in an envelope plainly marked Conservation Commission photo contest. There is a drop box at the Town Office for after hours. Please include with the photo: Name, phone number, address, and location where photo was taken. Winning photos will be mounted and framed, then displayed for one year at either the town office, library, or school, then returned to the owner. Submission deadline: Nov. 15.

Food Shelf
The Weathersfield Food Shelf is located at 7303 Route 131 - the former "World of Discovery" daycare. Thanks to the generosity of their donors, the Weathersfield Food Shelf will now be open every Thursday from 4 p.m.-5 p.m. 

Senior Exercise Program in Ascutney-FREE sponsored by RSPV- Wednesdays 10-11 a.m. in basement of Martin Memorial Hall, Route 5, Ascutney, VT. Classes are led by Geraldine Rudenfeldt. If interested call 674-5254 for more information.

Weathersfield Proctor Library-FREE Programs
Literacy, Learning and Fun at the Weathersfield Proctor
Fall Storytime with Jordan begins on Wednesday Sept 10 and will be held every Wednesday from 11:00 - 11:30 through Nov 19.  

FREE Computer Tutor - Fridays 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Do you want to learn how to use a computer? Sign up for email or facebook or learn more about internet safety? Did you know the library offers downloadable eBooks and audiobooks? Sign up required. BYOL (bring your own laptop or smartphone if you have one).

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