Agencies Here to Help Vermonters
Rte 106 N Near Downer's Four Corners |
Vermonters who have property affected by the storm should report it to the state. There are several phone lines in addition to the 211 number now in operation. Please note that it is critical to acquiring recovery aid that a statewide inventory of the damage is taken. Also, if repairs are made by a property owner, it is important to take pictures of the damage, document the repairs and keep receipts for potential assistance.
- Individuals: Individuals reporting property damage should call 211.
- Businesses: Businesses should call the Agency of Commerce and Community Development at (ACCD) at 828-3211 to report damage which will be collated for VEM and FEMA. ACCD will also make referrals for financing and technical assistance. The information needed when businesses make the call is: name of business, location (complete address), description of damage, point of contact, date damage occurred. There are additional questions for historic properties.
- Farms: To report damages to property including but not limited to barns, milking parlors, crops, fields, equipment, etc., call:
- Your county USDA Farm Service Agency (
gov/locator/app?state=vt& agency=fsa) OR; - Your county Natural Resources Conservation Services office (
contact/index.html). - Organizations such as the Vermont Farm Bureau (802-434-5646) or NOFA Vermont (802-434-4122) can also be called. These organizations will send a summary of the information to the Agency of Agriculture which will forward it to VEM.
- Farmers experiencing loss of crops due to flooding should contact their crop insurance agent as well as the USDA Farm Service Agency (802-658-2803).
Rte 5 N Windsor VT |
This program, administered by VEDA, is up and running. It will provide $10 million of very low interest, no first year payment, loans to businesses which suffered losses due to flooding. Interested businesses should go to VEDA’s website ( for more information.
Rte 106 N, Black River Weathersfield VT |
Vermont Emergency Management Website: This site includes the latest updates and helpful information:
Rte 131 W Amsden Village VT |
The most up to date information for VEM can be found on their Facebook page. If you “like” VEM on Facebook you will be given automatic updates on your Facebook homepage as their status changes. Includes great links to press releases and other information. Find it at:
Near Tarbell Hill RD Weathersfield VT |
Returning to Your Home: For information on cleaning up your home after flooding, visit:
Fuel Tanks: If you find a fuel tank on your property or floating in flood waters, please contact the Vermont Fuel Dealers Association at 802-223-7750 or
Vermont Travel Information Services: For the latest information on road closures, call 511 or visit:
Rte 131 W Amsden Village VT |
Upper Falls Bridge looking over the Black River |
Clean up has begun... |