Weathersfield Weekly Blog #weathersfieldvt #vt
Weathersfield, VT

Weathersfield budget committee news: The budget committee met on Tuesday Oct. 18. They began review of the Police Department proposed budget. At their meeting on Oct. 11 they toured the West Weathersfield and Ascutney Fire Departments.
Weathersfield School news: The school announced that the students who auditioned for the Fall District's Music Festival were accepted and will be representing the Weathersfield School. The seventh graders are: Nicholas Lenahan, Aria Yuengling, and Sage Birsky; the eighth graders are Natalie Nichols and Jasmine Martens. The Fall District Music Festival will be held at Twin Valley Middle High School, in Jacksonville, on Nov. 18 and 19. Music teacher Mr. Shambo will be accompanying the students so he'll be unable to meet for Parent/Teacher conferences. If parents would like to meet with Mr. Shambo, please email him at Kelly Murphy has been hired as the Athletic Director for FY 2017. For more information about these programs, the school and events, call 802-674-5400.
Get Out and About
Last Friday I attended Opening Night of Cabaret a performance presented by Pentangle Arts at the Town Hall Theater in Woodstock, VT. I vaguely remember seeing the movie but I guess I'd forgotten many of the details. The production was over the top. The actors had me believing I was in Berlin during the rise of the Nazi Party. The play runs this weekend with a special Halloween performance on Oct 31 at 7;30 p.m.
This Saturday at Hosington Field (1879 Schoolhouse in Perkinsville
Trunk or Treat: in Perkinsville Saturday, Oct. 29 at 4-6 p.m. at Hoisington Field. The event provides a safe way for children to "Trick or Treat." Anyone who would like to participate should call Mark at the Library at 674-2863.
Ashley's Landing Clean Up in the Weathersfield Bow Sunday, Oct. 30 at 11 a.m. The Weathersfield Conservation Commission is hosting a river clean up at Ashley's Landing (at the end of Ferry RD.) Bring work gloves and dress appropriately.
Ashley's Landing Clean Up in the Weathersfield Bow Sunday, Oct. 30 at 11 a.m. The Weathersfield Conservation Commission is hosting a river clean up at Ashley's Landing (at the end of Ferry RD.) Bring work gloves and dress appropriately.
Register to Vote: in Ascutney until Wednesday Nov. 2 at 5 p.m. at the Town Clerks Office in Martin Memorial Hall on Route 5. Early or Absentee Ballots can be requested until Monday Nov. 7 at 4 p.m. General Election voting will be at Martin Memorial Hall on Tuesday Nov 8 from 8 a.m.-7 p.m..
Winter Prep Day: in Brownsville Saturday Nov. 5 and Nov. 13 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Ascutney Outdoors is hosting days on the hill to prepare for the winter sports season. Contact
802-291-1348 for more information.
Winter Prep Day: in Brownsville Saturday Nov. 5 and Nov. 13 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Ascutney Outdoors is hosting days on the hill to prepare for the winter sports season. Contact
802-291-1348 for more information.
Ongoing Events
Reading Shakespeare in the 21st Century: Hamlet: in Ascutney, Wednesdays Oct. 5-Nov. 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Weathersfield Proctor Library on Route 5. Patti Arrison will lead discussion of the works of William Shakespeare. Contact Mark at 802-674-2863 or email for more information.
Fridays Live Music Inn at Weathersfield in Perkinsville, Friday nights 7-9 p.m. Oct. 28: Steve Ellis,
Windsor Station Live Music in Windsor Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Oct. 27, 7-10 p.m. TBA, Oct. 28 10 p.m.: Jarv, Oct. 29 10 p.m.: Halloween party with About Gladys, Nov. 1 6-9 p.m.: TBA, Nov. 3 7-10 p.m.: Strangled Darlings. Nov. 4 10 p.m. : Karaoke, Nov. 5 9:30 p.m. Swimmer, Nov 8 6-9 p.m.: TBA, Nov 10 7-10 p.m.: TBA, Nov. 11 9:30 p.m.: Wherehouse, Nov. 18 9: 30 p.m.: Gowanus.
Low Cost Cat Pay/Neuter Clinics in Springfield. Call Springfield Humane Society at 802-885-3997 for an appointment. Final date is Dec. 13. Weathersfield residents are reimbursed for cost of surgery up to $50, limit three cats. Please bring SNAP form (available at the Town Office).
Weathersfield Food Shelf in Perkinsville every Thursday from 2-3 p.m. Route 106 at the old Perkinsville Elementary School.
Valley Court Diversion Programs: Volunteers are needed in Weathersfield/Springfield areas to work with low level offenders in the community. The group meets once a month at the Springfield Police Department, your commitment will require about three hours a month. Training is provided. For more information please visit our website at or call Maureen at 281-5213.
Senior Exercise Program in Ascutney: Free. Sponsored by RSPV. Wednesdays 10-11 a.m. in basement of Martin Memorial Hall, Route 5, Ascutney. Classes are led by Geraldine Rudenfeldt. If interested call 674-5254 for more information.
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Have anything you want included in this news and events column? Email Nancy at two weeks prior to your event.
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